First aid at work
3 Day Course
About This Course
First Aid at Work Training Course (FAW) One of the changes implemented by the HSE on the 1st October 2009 was to reduce the first aid at work training course from a four-day course to a three-day course. The comprehensive first aid at work course is for people intending to act as a first aider at work. It is designed to provide first aiders with the skills necessary to provide effective life support, diagnose and treat injuries or illness, and maintain care and the casualty’s comfort. Throughout the course, emphasis is placed on dealing with life-threatening situations and keeping the casualty alive until professional help arrives. Where appropriate, aspects of the course will be related to real-life situations. This makes the training more applicable to your first aiders and also helps them gain vital life-saving knowledge and skills. As a result, they will be able to deal confidently and competently with a wide range of situations that could arise both in and outside of your workplace.
Contact Details
Brewery Drive, Lockwood, Huddersfield HD4 6EN, UK
01484 532500